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Kids' yoga in English


Kids' yoga in English at yoga 15 is a class for kids of age 4 through 12 years old to have fun doing yoga poses. The poses are constructed and arranged for kids by Shanti sensei at Uchina Kenko Hiroba, and the class is taught in English by Mayumi Sunagawa of yoga 15 who has B.F.A. from the U.S.A. Yoga helps to have more flexible body and mind, and by keep practicing it, one can built strengths physically and mentally, and to be able to focus more. Participants express appreciation at the end of the class. To find something to appreciate helps to love oneself and the others including environment. Rather than focusing on completing all the poses in a class, the focus is on enjoying the time of yoga every week. For preventing the spread of the infectious diseases, each participant are distanced for about 2 meters apart. Please ask for dates and time. Ages: 4-12 years old Trial Fee: 1,000 yen (initial time only) Monthly Fee: 5,000 yen (4 lessons), Initial Enrollment Fee: 5,000 yen Trial Fee for an adult: 2,000 yen (initial time only. watching is not acceptable)


  • 日本、沖縄県宜野湾市大謝名1丁目23−8 yoga 15 (ヨガイチゴ)

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