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個人レッスン Private Lesson

ヨガをしたいけどグループレッスンはちょっと心配という方に If you are concerned about group lesson


周りを気にせず、頑張りすぎず、自分のからだに聞きながら、マンツーマンでヨガをします。ヨガを続けていくことで体も心もほぐれ、切り替え上手になり、疲れにくくなります。老若男女、どなたでも参加できます。通院中の方は主治医にご相談の上、ご希望の日時をご相談ください。 体験料:2000円 You don't have to worry how others are doing in private lesson. Concentrate and be honest to yourself and open to the instructor when you practice yoga. Just ask your own body if it's O.K. at each move, it will prevent you hurting yourself. Yoga practice can help your own body and mind to be more loosened and relaxed. You will be able to focus on now rather than the past or the future, and you become more energized. Yoga is good for young and old, men and women. If you are seeing a doctor, please consult him/her before making a reservation. Please ask for your favored date and time for the lesson, we shall discuss. Trial Fee: 2,000 yen


  • 日本、沖縄県宜野湾市大謝名1丁目23−8 yoga 15 (ヨガイチゴ)

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